Can Your Computer Use a Tune-Up?


Surprisingly, most people don't clean their computers. They keep using them until they eventually falter and die.


Computers get hot under the collar, especially during the summer. Many Pentium 4 chips run at temperatures exceeding 185° F. Dust and dirt on the various circuitries inside your PC is like wearing a winter parka on a summer day. Also, loose, or corroded cables can hinder your work. Periodic preventive maintenance and virus checks can extend the life of your investment.


Unfortunately, taking care of your computers often takes a back seat to the day-to-day chores of running a business. Huskies Computer Repair and Consulting offers a scheduled PC cleaning/tune-up service that is comprehensive. For as little as $70 per PC, we do a complete tune-up, virus check and cleaning. We also recommend when your computers need to be upgraded or even replaced.



Why clean your computers?

  • Routine maintenance intercepts problems
  • A clean PC lasts longer and retains its value better
  • A clean computer improves morale and reduces frustration